
23 พ.ย. 2553

Mae Mai Muay Thai

Hak Nguang Ai Yara

Hak Nguang Ai Yara
This technique is used to counter-attack the kick by throwing the elbow to the thigh.
Attacker: Throws the right kick to the defensive’s rib, bends the both arms to guard the face.
Defensive: Hurry to stepped the right foot forwards closed to the attacker. Turns the rib to the left, bends the right knee, while the left was straight, then catches the attacker’s right foot with left hand and pulls it up, strikes the right elbow to the attacker’s ham and holds the attacker’s right foot on the high to lost the balance in order to defense the attacker’s elbow.
If the attacker kicks with the left foot, do the same as above in the opposite directions.
Words Description:
Hak      = To break
Nguang = trunk
Ai Yara = elephant

Jara Khe Fad Hang

JaraKhae FadHang
This technique is used when the opponent throws the punch to the wrong target and loses his balance, then turns the body to kick by swinging the heel back.
Attacker: Throws the straight left and steps the left foot forwards.
Defensive: Quick to jumping with right foot to half right in order to escaped the attacker’s punch. Bends the arm to guard the face. Stands on the left foot and turns the body to kick at the abdomen or head with the right heel.
If the attacker uses the right punch or the right foot, kick him with the left foot.
Words Descriptions:
Jara khae = a crocodile
Fad         = to thrash
Hang       = tail

Mon Yan Lak

This is the important skill. This technique is used to defense the fists by throwing a kick to the top of the chest or abdomen.
Attacker: Throws the straight left punch and steps the left foot forwards.
Defensive: Always out wards to the right about 45 degrees, the weight on the right foot. Bends the both arms to guard the face, at the same time throws the left foot to the top of the chest of the abdomen of the attacker to push him away.
If the attacker strobes with the right punch do the same as above in the opposite directions.
Words Description:
Mon = Mon
Yan  = to shore up
Lak  = a stake



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